_______ Ò _____\__ /_____:______ _________ - ____________\_ / \_ | _/__\ __ /__ ----------------- \_ _ _// _| ½____|___ _____/ _/ t a k e o v e r 98 --- Ó----| |--\________\|____: _| -½ | -------------- -- - - -----¦ :: ___________|______\/_________|___ slc Ò ::.. . _\ _ _/____ _ __\ __ /_____:_______ eindhoven, | | || |-----Ö _____/ _/ ._ / the auditorium, | .._| | | | | | _ /____ 15/16/17 may/1998! |_:_______|_ | |_ | _| | _// . ....................: /__________|/_________\------|_______l (Takeover'98 Information file version 1.0, the pre-invitation) ---- Takeover'98 - the story continues ---------------------------------------- In 1995, a group of Dutch sceners decided to organize a demo party. In 1996 preperations were made. In 1997 the best Dutch demo party ever was held. In 1998 there will be even more. Takeover'98 will not only bring you what X'97 Takeover brought you last year. Takeover'98 will bring you more. No more power failures, an even better network, better sleeping accomodations, showers - if you had an excuse last year not to be there, you certainly won't have one now! ---- Why Takeover'98? --------------------------------------------------------- In 1997, Nostalgia and Success combined forces, helped by the network people of Stack. Nostalgia brought Takeover, Success brought X. X'97 Takeover was born, raised, and held. For various reasons it almost became a one-time event. Success decided to withdraw, Nostalgia's main organizer decided to do the same. Because of tremendous support from the scene, Nostalgia and Stack, in cooperation with Quad, decided to continue what Nostalgia and Success left behind. The absence of Success ment the absence of X - Takeover'98 was born. Last year, X'97 Takeover had much to offer. A great party atmosphere, the best party network ever (including Internet access), a magnificent big screen and audio, life artist performances, a catering serving hot meals and - something the organizers cannot take credit for, but are very proud of - the best releases ever on a Dutch demo party: 303 (AcmE), Stasis (Analogue) and Saturday (Spirit New Style) were still spoken of months afterwards. Of course, the party had downsides: the continuing power failures and the poor sleeping accomodations did not ruin the party, but they didn't help much either. There was also some criticism about the rules for competition entries. Takeover'98 will improve all this: there will be dry, warm sleeping places in a nearby gymhall (including free hot showers!), sufficient power due to use of 380-to-220 Volt current dispatchers (we had those last year, but only near the end), and clear competition rules. Oh, before we forget: the party network will be improved. Improved? Yes. It will be even better. It will be faster, more IP-numbers will be available, and registration will be easier. ---- "Okay, okay, enough of this talk - now give us the details" -------------- What: - Takeover'98 When: - 15, 16 and 17 May 1998 Where: - The Auditorium of the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Features: - Huge, quality big screen - Huge, quality audio system - Separate main hall and competition theatre - Best party network ever - Free internet access (via high-speed back-bone, a 34 mbit uplink to SurfNet via the TUE main router. Blowing your bits blazing fast to the internet!) - 6 internet terminals for those without a computer - Room for 750 people - In-house buffet, 24 hour beer and coffee service - Warm, dry sleeping hall - Free, hot showers next to sleeping hall - 5 minutes walk from train station - 5 minutes walk to city centre - Large, free parking place Competitions: - PC demo (DOS and Windows 95 combined) - PC 64 Kb intro - PC 4 Kb intro - Multi-channel music competition - Multi-channel house competition - Graphics competition - Raytrace competition - Various surprise competitions Home page: - http://www.takeover.nl E-mail: - info@takeover.nl ---- What is left to say? ----------------------------------------------------- This is the first information file. It comes with the pre-invitation intro by Quad. Opening and closing times, party rules, competition rules and many more subjects wil be covered in upcoming new versions of this info file. The latest version, and all miscelaneous information, can always be found on the Takeover'98 home page at http://www.takeover.nl. That's it for now, The organizers