X'97 Takeover Logo Date of the event
The X'97 Takeover Story Logo
Kid picture

As a result of the disappointing Party 5, a group of Dutch demo sceners decided to do it better themselves and started organising a demo party, which was shortly after called Takeover. Nostalgia became the main initiator of Takeover, scouting for a location and setting up a group of organizers.

Soon an accomodation was found: The Auditorium of the Eindhoven University. It turned out that the only suitable free date was in April '97, the same month the anual X party was to be held, organised by another Dutch demo group, SuccesS. SuccesS, however, were having severe difficulties with their accomodation, and although they were still planning to organize X'97, a lot of work had to be done in little time.

A solution was found without severe difficulties: Nostalgia convinced SuccesS to join forces, to achieve the main goal: to host the biggest and most successfull demo scene event ever held in the Netherlands. A new name was found before long: X'97 Takeover was born.
