X'97 Takeover Logo Date of the event
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Picture this... full 10 Mbit access to one of the fastest InterNetworks
on the globe: SurfNet. And YOU can connect!

The computerorganisation of the University of Technology in Eindhoven will be providing the network facilities at the party. The TUE has a T3 (34 Mbit) Internet connection, and as the party is in the weekend, Stack has clearance to use a T1 port (10 Mbit) on the TUE router.

The partyhall is devided into 4 parts, in each corner we'll drop a COAX line. You can hook up your system on that line, to a maximum of 64 computers per subnet. Bring your own cables! And make sure that your networkcard is configured for TCP/IP, and has a BNC connector on it. We can only supply COAX-connections, no UTP. If you want to play games, please note that we only route TCP/IP, and your IPX packets will only run on your own subnet. If you want to reach the others, be sure to bring along Kali!

So.. if you want to participate in the Internet during the party, you'll have to make sure you have:

    a PC with an ethernet card.
    your own T-joint.
    your own cable to hook it up on the subnet. (about 2 meters, 6 feet)
    your OS should have TCP/IP support.

After you sign some disclaimers (in which you promise to behave :), you'll be assigned an IP number on one of the subnets. You may use this number for playing games, and other personal use.
Things you definately DON'T do, are: ICMP pinging, flooding on IRC, couriering warez, and being otherwise lame on the Internet. We will be keeping an eye out for these actions, and they will be killed on the spot by one of the BOFHs (note: a BOFH is a Bastard Operator From Hell).

Above all, have a load of phun on da Net! I know we will.

Pim van Pelt - demo@stack.nl
