X'97 Takeover Logo Date of the event
The Route to The Auditorium Logo
Kid picture

If you're coming by car:

    drive to Eindhoven,
    after leaving the highway, follow the signs 'universiteit',
    BE CAREFUL! The road is packed with speeding camera's!!
    when you've reached the university campus, follow the signs 'Auditorium'.
    you can't miss it!
    there's loads of free parking space.

If you're coming by train:

    take a train to Eindhoven Central Station (Eindhoven Centraal),
    leave the train station and walk in the direction of the city buses (you can see the Rabobank
    in front of you)
    if you're standing with your back to the train station, you can see the university campus in north
    direction. You can recognise the the campus by the building with 'Technische Universiteit'
    on it. (Mind that this is NOT the Auditorium)
    it's a 5 minutes walk.
    when you have reached the university campus, the Auditorium is at your left.
